Laser cutting machine – EFESTO

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New EFESTO cutting machine

EFESTO laser means high precision, superior power and speed. They are created for cutting flat sheets or to cut all pipes, round, square or shaped.
Extraordinary cutting effects can be achieved.

testa laser a fibra

Fiber Laser Cutter



Fiber laser cutting with:

  • Superior efficincy and durability

  • Top quality materials

  • Best in class standards

EFESTO laser cutting is an innovative machine and can be configured to perform laser cutting on:

  • Flat surfaces

  • Round, square or shaped tubes

  • Combined surfaces

Scroll the page to see the machine in action



Did you know the EFESTO logo? In this video we show it to you from its birth.


In the video EFESTO is shown while cutting a flat sheet. The duration is about 4min, look at the speed and precision of the processes. To request technical information, do not hesitate to contact us by clicking the link below.




Round, square or shaped tubes

In this video we want to highlight the robustness of the structure and the speed of execution of the processing even when it comes to laser cutting of tubes with a round, square or shaped section

And all this can be done with a simple and intuitive programming software.


To request a free demo on the programming software, please contact us by clicking the link below.





We look forward to seeing you soon at our headquarters in via Milano, 9 in Erba to see the laser cutting machines in action in person.


In the meantime, we offer you this virtual tour of the company, contact us and put us to the test, we will be available for technical information, quotes or for any other needs.